Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Hot, hazy Thursday in Twin Cities; wildfire smoke to gradually diminish

MINNEAPOLIS — An upper-level ridge is set to bring the hottest day of the week on Thursday in the Twin Cities, with afternoon temps in the upper 80s.
Wildfire smoke should gradually diminish throughout the day, otherwise expect plenty of sunshine.
Friday will have a similar look and feel with a mostly sunny sky and highs in the mid-80s.  
By Saturday, the ridge starts to break down allowing for more clouds and an isolated shower. It’ll also be slightly humid.
That moisture is attributed to two features: a cold front from the Dakotas and the leftovers of Hurricane Francine. This will also drop the temps a bit closer to 80. 
We’ll stay in the lower 80s with a mix of sun and clouds into next week with better rain chances toward the middle and end of the week.
Because this last week hasn’t seen much rain, Minnesota saw an increase in “abnormally dry” areas, according to the drought monitor. Most of the drier areas are in northern and southern Minnesota.
